
This afternoon we all went to church for a very simple, but moving Remembrance service led by Reverend Rod and Year 6. The children in Year 6 recited the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ beautifully and had written some very thoughtful prayers. We held a minute silence and listened to the last post. Annie the children commended the children on the lovely service.

Please see some of the prayers below:

Dear God

We are all grateful for those who fought in the war and sacrificed their lives. It is our honour to remember the soldiers that went in to battle and never came back to their families and loved ones. We pray for those innocent lives that have been taken by war, tearing people’s lives into pieces.


Dear God

I want to say thankyou to the people who sacrificed their futures for ours. Please protect people who are at war now . On 11th November we think of those risking their lives for the futures of many more. We remember the poppies that grew on the graves of the soldiers who did not come back. As a school we need to remember that they are heroes and we can never repay them. 
