Carleton Endowed Primary School
Breakfast and After School Club
Play Leader: Emma Brown
Contact School: 01756 792910 or email: [email protected]
The management and staff would like to welcome you and your children to Carleton Endowed Out of School Club, situation within Carleton Endowed C.E. Primary School. We hope that you find this booklet helpful in providing you with information about what we do to ensure that your child has an enjoyable, safe and fulfilling experiences within the provision.
Mission Statement
At Carleton Endowed Out of School Club we offer a safe, positive and enthusiastic environment where children can interact with others, engage in stimulating activities and develop their independence.
We are an all-inclusive facility which celebrates the unique qualities of each individual.
We have four main aims at Carleton Endowed Out of School Club:
• To provide an environment which the children feel safe and comfortable in. Giving a relaxed home from home atmosphere which promotes fun.
• To ensure both children and parents feel valued, fostering links between home and the out-of-school provisions.
• Treat each child as an individual, develop their own unique qualities.
• Work alongside the school to help children achieve personal and educational goals, especially for children within the Early Years Foundation Stage.
The Premises and Facilities.
The provision is set within Carleton Endowed C.E. Primary School. The rooms and areas available to the Breakfast Club and Afterschool Care are:
• The school hall;
• The large secure school playing field;
• Children’s kitchen for baking and cooking activities;
• Two playgrounds, with extensive equipment for a wide range of activities.
Medication, both short term and long term, needs to be discussed with the provision Manager, Mrs Brown, and signed for before we are able it is administered. For more information, please ask a member of staff or access our Managing Medication policy.
Opening Hours and Fees
Bookings must be booked on our online system: School Gateway. Only emergency bookings can be taken over the phone.
Go to the APP store on your Smartphone and search SchoolGateway. When you locate the correct APP download it to your phone
Breakfast Club
Morning: 7:45am - 8:45am £4.25
Afterschool Club
1 evening 3:15pm - 5:30pm £6.75
1 hour 3:15pm - 4:15pm £4.00
Payments must be made before the children use the provision. Any unused sessions will be credited back to your School Gateway accounts. Payments can be made in through online banking, the School Gateway system, cash or cheque, made payable to: Leeds Diocese Learning Trust.
If children are being collected or dropped off by different adults, please ensure their names have been added onto each individual child’s pick-up information.
School Gateway
To book Breakfast or Afterschool Club session we use the School Gateway booking system. This can be accessed via your home computer or by downloading the School Gateway APP on your IPad or IPhone. Please ask for details at the school office or
the club Manager; there is an information booklet which will help you use the system.
Activities and Events
Breakfast Club
Children are able to choose their breakfast
and then eat socially whilst talking to the
other children and the play-workers. The
play-workers on duty will take the children to
their appropriate lines once the bell has rung.
Afterschool Club
The children have access to a large number of resources which they can independently access. Weekly, directed activities are planned and adult led, which the children can access voluntarily. The children have the option of being indoors or outside. At the end of the session, Quiet Time happens for the last 30 minutes. This includes a computer time, story or watching part of a film.
Snack and Meals
Breakfast Club: children can choose from a range of
breakfast cereals, toast and juice.
Afterschool Club: snacks and refreshments are provided
for the children.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
At Carleton Endowed Out of School Club we are committed to supporting the development of all children, especially those within the EYFS. We work alongside classroom teachers to provide additional evidence towards their EYFS profile. To promote learning we have independently accessible provision and a proportion of adult led activities.
Manager: Emma Brown
Brioni Hardisty-Blackwell
Helen Nicholson
Lacey Tout
Carleton Endowed Out of School Club is a registered Ofsted company which works in accordance with the Children Act 1989. We employ staff members who are highly qualified, experienced, enthusiastic and caring.
Our staff are dedicated to the wellbeing of the children in our care. If you have any concerns, then please do not hesitate to contact or approach us.
Carleton Endowed Out of School Club
If you would like to find out more about our procedures, values and ethical commitments then please access our company’s policies, which are available within the provision. Some of our policies are outlined below:
Everyone is welcome to attend Carleton Endowed Out of School Club (also see inclusion policy). Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis and parents are asked to book promptly due to limited places.
Places can be withdrawn due to lack of payment.
Behaviour Management
At Carleton Endowed Out of School Club we have a high expectation of behaviour. Positive behaviour is model by members of staff and rewarded with stickers and certificates when demonstrated by the children. Negative actions or behaviour will be dealt with promptly.
Complaints Procedure
If you have a complaint, then we really want to know! We pride ourselves on our self evaluation and dedication to improvement so any complaints will be welcomed by the provision’s management: Emma Brown If you then feel your complaint has not be handled effectively the number for Ofsted is displayed on the display board. Please see our full complaints policy.
Also see; Equality and Diversity Policy and Health and Safety Policy. A complete index of our policies is available.