As a school within Leeds Diocesan Learning Trust we have a Local Academy Council who ensure that governance is delivered in line with the Trust's scheme of delegation. There are currently 8 members including the Headteacher. The Headteacher is responsible for the operational day-to-day management of the school. The Local Academy Council's role is to help with setting the vision and strategic direction of the school, challenge the standards of learning and ensure financial resources are well spent.
Each governor has a link role and they come in to school termly to monitor their specific area. We meet for full Local Academy Council meetings three times per year.
We have link governors in the following areas:
- Safeguarding
- Quality of education
- Vision and distinctiveness
- Finance and resources
- Vulnerable learners
- Wellbeing
If you would like to read our public minutes please email our clerk [email protected]
Information about Governance structure of LDLT can be found here: