Church of England schools have a distinctive identity and ethos, popular with parents and families, where the development of social, spiritual and emotional intelligence is as important as academic achievement. (Church of England 2015)

Our School Vision

Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

Matthew 7:24

Our school provides a foundation for all to flourish rooted in the person and work of Jesus; built upon Christian values encouraging aspirational achievement.

RE Intent

Our school reflects Christian beliefs and values through all areas of school life and the curriculum, enabling children to call upon their faith, values and understanding during times of need and as judgement in difficult situations. We encourage pupils to explore challenging questions about faith and their own beliefs, values and experiences. Pupils develop their knowledge of Christianity, and other world faiths, enabling them to have an understanding, appreciation and celebration of the rich diversity of religious belief and practice in the locality and society today, to build a strong sense of identity and belonging.


  • To show pupils that Christianity is about following the living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and is relevant to their daily lives.
  • To encourage relationships that are based on friendship, endurance, peace, trust and thankfulness, which form the basis of our Christian values.
  • To extend pupils’ ability to reflect upon themselves as whole people, experiencing life through body, mind and spirit.
  • To apply pupils’ knowledge and skills in RE and develop their ability to question meaning and purpose.
  • To help pupils understand the significance of religion and its contribution to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


We aim through our teaching

  • To provide Religious Education within the framework of the Diocesan Guidelines appropriate to the educational needs of the children in our school, at their different stages of development.
  • To encourage pupils to enquire, analyse, interpret, evaluate and reflect upon their understanding of RE and the impact of religion on believers.
  • To contribute to the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school as a caring community and the pupils as individuals.
  • To assist and encourage experience of Christian life and worship.


  • grow in awareness of others through activities that explore faith and belief, developing trust, respect and an appreciation for others.
  • learn about the diversity of religion through the use of active learning opportunities and a rich and varied curriculum.
  • develop their own beliefs, values and ideals in the light of their experiences inside and outside school.
  • develop an enquiring mind and attitude towards religion, questioning their place in the world and belief in a safe and caring environment.


The school is a member of NATRE (National Association of Teachers) and RE Today. RE is taught as a discrete subject in accordance with NYCC’s Agreed Syllabus. It is taught to all children except for those whose parents wish them to be withdrawn of which we have none at present. RE lessons are at least 50mins in KS1 and 1hour at KS2 and are also brought together in RE themed days during the year.

Themed days and visits and visitors are also arranged throughout the year including Interfaith Bradford, Barnabas in Schools and Zephaniah Trust. Pupils visit Bradford Cathedral and other places of worship. Aspects of Messy Church called Wacky Worship are enjoyed with a whole school themed day three times a year. Pupils explore prayer during the annual prayer day organised for our pupils by St Mary’s church. The Open The Book team bring bible stories to life during a whole school collective worship once a month.

A two year rolling programme of units has been devised which ensure progression in pupil’s understanding, ability and development in the RE curriculum.

Pupils are involved in church services through the year, marking the main Christian religious festivals. Teaching and Learning

We have a rich curriculum where pupils are continually encouraged to develop their ability to enquire, analyse, interpret, evaluate and reflect on the lives of Christian believers. The RE curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to explore the Christian Values of the school and to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally through the exploration of questions.

RE lessons encourage children to reflect thoughtfully within the subject and children are given opportunities to experience awe and wonder and to ask and explore ‘big questions’ taking into account their personal beliefs and the acceptance and understanding of other faiths.

We use Understanding Christianity as a resource for RE teaching, which has the bible at the core. Theological concepts such as the Trinity, Christian Values, the life of Jesus, Creator God and the Spirit are at the root of learning.

Christianity is the major religion taught in RE and is two thirds of the curriculum. In addition to Christianity, the behaviour, belief and practices of Judaism (KS1) and Islam and Hinduism (KS2) are taught. Other world religions may be taught alongside these in RE lessons.


RE assessment is on going through the year and recorded in whole class big books. This assessment informs future planning. At the end of each term RE is assessed against three elements:

ELEMENT 1: Making sense of the text

Developing skills of reading and interpretation; understanding how Christians and people from other faiths interpret, express and use holy texts; making sense of meanings of texts in relation to beliefs.


Understanding the impact

Examining ways in which Christians and people of other beliefs respond to texts and teachings, and how they put their beliefs into action in diverse ways within the community and in the world.

ELEMENT 3: Making connections

Evaluating, reflecting on and connecting the texts and concepts studied, and discerning possible connections between these and pupils’ own lives and ways of understanding the world.

Statements are highlighted on grids for each pupil, to track progress. At the end of the academic year the subject leader collates pupils’ progress and records attainment.

A SIAMs SEF audit is carried out annually to rigorously assess the schools performance and highlight future development needs.

Equal Opportunities

Religious Education is an essential part of the curriculum and is relevant, worthwhile and accessible to all. It expresses that all pupils are loved and valued by God as part of creation. We aim to help the pupils in our school to respect themselves and to be sensitive to the needs of others.

Health and Safety

Teachers have a copy of the School Health and Safety Policy together with the Field Visits Policy. The school and its grounds are maintained in a manner that promotes a safe, healthy and educationally stimulating environment.


The school has a wide range of books, artefacts, online websites and DVDs to use for planning and teaching. There is access to the Internet and a wealth of resources on websites such as REonline and NATRE. The Christian bookshop in Skipton is a valuable and essential resource for use in RE and the school has an annual subscription.

Each classroom has a reflective area where pupils are invited to reflect on the Christian Value theme each half term.

People in the community, including the clergy of St Mary’s church, regularly share their knowledge and expertise with the school. Our local church of St Mary’s is a resource on the doorstep and can be used to enhance the teaching of a wide range of themes.

This policy was drawn up by the RE Subject Leader, Sarah Steeples, and will be reviewed as appropriate.

Reviewed Summer 2019 To be reviewed Summer 2021